To become a Sponsor, please review our Sponsorship Opportunities or select the category from the list below. Gold and Silver Sponsorships include your conference registration, with Gold providing two registrations. You can contact us for more information.

To become a sponsor and pay by credit card, select your sponsorship level below. If you require alternative payment methods please contact us.

Gold Sponsorship

Corporate name and large logo featured on publicity material, premium recognition at beginning of conference and each workshop, large logo on the conference website and OACP and OAFM websites, two (2) complimentary conference registrations, distribution of electronic brochure prior to conference and a complimentary exhibitor table

Silver Sponsorship

Corporate name and medium sized logo featured on publicity material, recognition at beginning of conference, medium sized logo on the conference website and OACP and OAFM websites and 1 complimentary conference registration

Bronze Sponsorship
Supporter Sponsorship